Saturday, June 8, 2013


Over the last week, I've expanded my Twitter connections with some noteworthy findings. Previously, I used Twitter to follow a handful of Tech leaders and publications, along with the leadership team in my district. It has lead me to many great resources over the course of this school year, which I've used in my classroom, shared with staff members, and incorporated into my Masters and Mobile Technology Certificate. With these free resources at my fingers tips, I feel it has been some of the most meaningful professional development I've received since being in Education. Yes, this may seem bold, but before joining Twitter, the only times I was connecting was at conferences or in district adopted professional development. Now when I attend those events, most of the presenters have a Twitter account so I'm able to follow them and link to the sources they provide. Until about three months ago, I had a personal account which I used as a read only source. Now I have a school account where I often favorite and retweet articles. On this account I had some followers that I picked up along the way, but I decided to start fresh and wipe them clean in preparation for next school year, where I intend to use this account as a means to connect with parents and colleagues. To my knowledge, I'm the only staff member at my school site using Twitter, but there are a number of teachers within the district using it. 

Matt Gomez is a great resource as a Kindergarten teacher pushing technology in his classroom. He promotes #kinderchat once a week and I have found some great write-ups on his blog. 

I prefer to use my iPhone as the vehicle to access my account from bed. I often check it when I first wake up and get ready to sleep in the evenings. 

Look! People want to follow me... ;)

I love Nearpod! I've used it in my class and look forward to using it more in the future. I enjoyed this Snapguide: how to, so I downloaded the app and have been playing around with how I could infuse it into making "how to: guides" with my kids.

I was surprised to have 76 Tweets on this account because it is the newer of my two Twitters.

All about me! 

Here is a snapshot into some of the Tweets I've made this week. I'm a little bit obsessed with Infographics, so you will find plenty of them as RT's on my feed. 

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