Monday, June 10, 2013

Broadcasting Live

For the means of this activity I decided to sign-up and utilize Ustream to record my first live broadcast. As I was setting up the account and getting my script ready, I began to get a little nervous, thinking of the possibility that people would be watching. I intended to present on something that was pertinent to my masters and could shed some light on what I've been learning and implementing in my classroom. Given it was the day of my classes "End of the Year Celebration," I was happy to speak about some of the ways we use mobile technology in room 18. Today was a special day shared with the families of my students. I invited the whole gang and we started with a performance at noon. Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and siblings funneled into the room. We sang three songs, then the iPads and iPhones came out! As homework, each family was encouraged to download a QR scanner which would allow them to watch an assortment of videos posted on the walls of the classroom. After, we went outside and had a picnic on the grass in the shade of the trees on a beautiful summer day in Southern California. Overall, the excitement shared between the families was priceless. It was gratifying to see the smiles and laughs shared as they watched intently, huddled in circles around the room. It was a culminating event of many hours spent preparing, constructing, and editing to reach this point, but it was worth every second. As I sat down to work on this assignment I thought that the best item to share for my live broadcast were some of the tools that made this project possible. 

I began by writing some ideas down in a Google Doc and the next thing I knew I had a page worth of notes, so I used them as a script and added ideas throughout the presentation. One of my biggest challenges was staying short and sweet because when I begin talking about any given tool or app that I'm fired up about the wheels start spinning. Next thing I know I would have talked for who knows how long about who knows what jumping around... "and you could do this! but don't forget to use the export feature... First you should create a shared folder..." As you can tell, I'm deeply invested with these tools as they bring out a true passion of mine. Here is the brainstorm turned multi-paragraph, detailed description on mobile technology.   

Once my script was complete and I felt I had practiced it enough to sound fluid, I was ready to create a Ustream account and record. Setup was simple and with an easy to navigate homescreen including the essential features, I was up and running in no time. Here are the options for recording 

As I neared the moment of truth, I sent a Tweet with a link to my video in case someone was available to watch my introduction to mobile technology broadcast.

End result... Twitter feed with my broadcast. 

Look! I'm LIVE! 

Here is my channel feed! Mobile technology in education...

For those interested in watching the broadcast, you are welcome to watch it on Ustream!
Look for the next installment soon!

In conclusion, this class has opened me up to publicly write and not be afraid to share ideas with an audience. In all of my education leading up to this point, there were no really opportunities to share my experiences with anyone other than my teacher or fellow students when it came to a presentation. I'm glad I've had this opportunity to reflect on my teaching practices in the form of mobile technology and share this broadcast with you. 

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