Sunday, May 19, 2013

Dig Deeper into the Mainstays of Web 2.0 Tools

For the purpose of seeing what Web 2.0 tools are available for social, creative, and curation purposes, I have reviewed the following services:

  • Social
    • Edmodo
  • Creative
    • Voicethread
  • Curation
    • Scoop.It

Edmodo is the best available web 2.0 tool in the social category. The possibilities it harvests are continually growing and progressing as more educators give feedback, while providing insightful ideas for the future. Edmodo allows levels of engagement that were not possible before web 2.0 tools. It is designed to get students intrigued about their learning and open the learning outside of the classroom. Teachers can continue discussions online, check for understanding through quizzes and polls, plus award badges as positive reinforcement. Teachers can connect with students, administrators, parents and publishers. Edmodo is a great way to check student progress through a cloud-based setting accessible from any computer. Educators can evaluate students’ understanding through a variety of mediums, garnishing a holistic view of their learning. With the addition of personalized apps, teachers and their students can tailor the learning to meet individuals needs. Edmodo is a powerful social tool that allows teachers to collaborate and communicate through an avenue that is simple and effective. Flipping the classroom has never been so easy with Edmodo.
Educators are using this tool to:
1) Create a paperless classroom
2) Fascilitate online discussions
3) Manage quizzes and polls
4) Flip the classroom by posting Educreations videos for students to watch at home
5) Pen Pal Projects
6) Digital portfolios

Voicethread is one of the best creative web 2.0 tools available. It is a web-based application that be accessed from any computer or mobile device with no software needed. It allows individuals to collaborate, communicate and connect. You may upload, share and discuss images, and audio and video files. Even better, you can integrate documents, presentations and opportunities for higher level, critical thinking. Amazingly, over 50 various media types may be imbedded into a Voicethread. When providing feedback, one may choose from microphone, webcam, text, phone and audio-file upload. Given the diverse options for commenting, peers and teachers can integrate various means for observation. Sharing can be done with your class, school, or open it for the entire world to see. Voicethread is an exceptional tool when considering your next Project Based Learning Unit.  
Educators are using this to:
1) Construct digital-storytelling content
2) Create an advertisement
3) Book review or report
4) Reading analysis
5) Poetry and Illustrations is the one of the best social media curation tools for education. Teachers can use it to build a powerful PLN for their classroom, share and bookmark content using social media. Later, they may receive feedback and/or likes from followers. is the answer to content curation in any classroom. Among the numerous options available in this category, has an easy to use platform that works nicely to share the learning in the classroom; outside of school.
Some of the best uses for this tool are:
1) Create group activities
2) Organize new content in a digital format for flipped lessons
3) Collect and share educational readings
4) Guide students in accessing rich content
5) Monitor online research of your students
6) Critique information and have students curate social media tools
7) Encourage content creation by students
8) Foster discussions with feedback

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